The Sixth Form is a time when significant decisions are made. Hurst is unashamedly ambitious for all its students, but the priority has to be that the next step after school is perfectly suited to each individual’s aspirations and aptitudes.
It is our aim that by the end of the year, Hurst graduates will face the world with confidence and maturity, having achieved grades that each individual once regarded as ambitious. We hope that each individual’s overall results will enable them to embark with confidence on the next stage of their chosen path through life.
In the Sixth Form, students are encouraged to look at the pathways they will take after Hurst. We believe that if students can understand their own skills and ambitions, they can be guided by our staff to fulfil their career aspirations. Hurst Sixth Form tutors are trained as executive life coaches, to invest time and expertise in drawing out an individual’s values and motivations, to help our young people perfectly match their plan to their true selves.
Careers guidance at Hurst video
Careers and Higher Education department
We have a specialist Careers and Higher Education department on the Sixth Form level of the college library, holding information on university options, careers and gap years. A dedicated team provides students with invaluable support as they consider the areas that interest them and research the various options that are on offer.
The Hurst Employment Programme provides a wide range of careers talks which cover almost every profession or industry. To make these talks even more relevant, many are given by Hurst alumni and current parents.
The majority of Hurst’s students choose to apply for a place at a leading British university, but the college also embraces the alternatives, from professional sport and the performing arts to entrepreneurship and aid work.
Our Upper Sixth have achieved excellent examination results over the past five years and the majority have entered their first choice university.
Work Experience Placement Scheme
Our Work Experience Placement Scheme offers our students placements during the college holidays. Students who want to take up a placement go through a rigorous application and interview process at Hurst. Those who are successful in the first stage then go on to a second round of interviews with the prospective employers. This scheme is unique to Hurst and offers around 100 weeks of student placements each year.
University applications
Support for the process of applying to university starts early in the Sixth Form with information evenings, for parents and students in the Lower Sixth, on choosing universities and Oxbridge.
All Lower Sixth students have individual consultations with the Head of Higher Education in the Lent term, and in the Summer term we organise trips to universities, a university fair and a UCAS information day. Our Lower Sixth also has access to Unifrog online, which helps students to identify the right university courses for them.
In the Upper Sixth, students are helped with their applications by their tutor and by the Head of Higher Education. Those applying for Oxbridge and Medicine are thoroughly prepared through mock interviews and mock entrance examinations, as well as sessions with subject experts and lectures and talks from outside experts.
We offer a series of presentations for students and parents on the process of applying to universities and we have an experienced and enthusiastic team looking after university applications.
The Head of Higher Education oversees all applications, and we have specialists within the team who manage particular types of applications. These include:
- Director of Academic Development who manages Oxbridge applications
- Co-ordinator for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Applications
- Co-ordinator for University Applications Abroad
Our Head of Careers and Careers Adviser also support our Sixth Formers in making their university choices, and can offer expert advice to those choosing to take other paths after the Sixth Form (including degree apprenticeships and going straight into work).
Oxbridge, STEM degrees, Medicine, Veterinary Science or Dentistry
Students who are considering Oxbridge, STEM degrees, Medicine, Veterinary Science or Dentistry are given additional support through their application process, provided in weekly sessions.
These students are offered tailored workshops, group discussion meetings and interview practice specific to their applications. Admission tutors from all of these areas visit Hurst to give candidates an insight into what is required.
We also offer visits to Oxford and Cambridge to meet Hurst alumni who are already studying there.
Throughout the Lent and Summer terms of the Lower Sixth year, students have the opportunity to attend regular small group sessions with a member of the Hurst teaching staff, to prepare them for a competitive application to a Highly Selective University.
Highly Selective Universities (HSUs)
What is the Highly Selective Universities programme?
Throughout the Lent and Summer terms of the Lower Sixth Year, students can attend regular small-group sessions with one member of the Hurst teaching staff, to prepare them for completing a competitive application to a Highly Selective University (HSU). HSUs are defined at Hurst as being any university in which there is significant excess demand for places, and where going beyond achieving good A-level/BTEC grades will be enough to obtain an offer to study. All students are welcome to sign up, but must complete a short piece of research before joining. Students will be matched with the appropriate subject specialist, and will take part in sessions which include:
- Recommending, monitoring and discussing extra reading outside class in the desired university subject area of study
- Encountering more challenging content from beyond the classroom curriculum
- Preparing entries to essay and other academic competitions
- Preparing talks, lectures and seminars for students to deliver to peers
- Discussing the precise course and institution for which each student wishes to apply
In the Upper Sixth year, if students are applying to universities with entrance exams and interviews, the HSU sessions will be spent working on practice entrance tests and conducting mock interviews, in addition to completing UCAS applications.