Community Archives - Page 3 of 9 - Hurstpierpoint College


Pelican House Ball

After a short break due to COVID-19, the Pelican House Ball made its comeback.

28 Jan 2023 | Community

Woodard House Ball is back!

After a short break due to COVID-19, the Woodard House Ball made its comeback.

24 Jan 2023 | Community

Coombelands NSEA Eventers Challenge

A great start to the year with Hurst students awarded multiple rosettes and qualifications at their first competition of 2023.

20 Jan 2023 | Community

Shield House Ball

After a break of four years due to COVID-19, the Shield House Ball took place recently at Pangdean Barn.

18 Jan 2023 | Community

Jane Traies Visits Hurst

Jane Traies visited Hurst to talk about her own journey through LGBTQ+ History

10 Jan 2023 | Community

Ski Wear Charity Sale

Fifth Form student Flora B organised a ski wear charity sale in aid of MIND Brighton and Hove.

21 Dec 2022 | Community | General

Christmas Carol Services

After two years of interruption, pupils, parents and staff gathered in Chapel to hear the story of Christmas unfolding in readings and music. 

21 Dec 2022 | Community | Community

Advent Procession

A service of music and readings for this poignant season of light and darkness. 

20 Dec 2022 | Community

Boar’s Head Procession

Our long-standing tradition of the Boar's Head sees a boar's head paraded around the college cloisters

20 Dec 2022 | Community

Staff vs Students Charity Football Match

The staff at students at Hurst hosted a charity football match in aid of Movember

20 Dec 2022 | Community

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Hurst students have been ‘packing and wrapping’ their Christmas Shoebox donations for children across Eastern Europe

01 Dec 2022 | Community

Remembrance Day 2022

On Friday 11 November, the whole College marked Remembrance Day remembering those who lost and gave their lives in conflicts past and present.

14 Nov 2022 | Community | Community